A new experience for your customers

The LigVideo API offers customer service functionality via video call with features for recording, reporting, the possibility to view the cart and to suggest products to the customer.

Ensure a new experience with LigVideo. Make your first free service using our API!


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Administrative systems: Partner Store

What is it?

LigVideo is an API that provides the functionality of video calls between customer and seller in real time. The app allows the seller to deliver items to the customer's cart by scanning the QR code or product barcode. The System also has administrator access, where it is possible to have complete control of all features as well as extracting reports and diagnostics of your business.

How it works?

LigVideo is an API aimed at e-commerce developers and administrators of their own virtual store. Once you hire LigVideo, you will receive access to the partner's administrative system , where you can register your stores. From there, each store can configure the LigVideo API environment through the store's administrative system . It allows or not the recording of calls and the download of these calls, issuing reports, configuring your store's visual identity (primary color and logo), registering advertisements and also registering salespeople. It is possible to manage the salespeople and their attendance, interrupting the calls at any time. Sellers must download the LigVideo app to serve customers in the queue.

Understand how it works for the user:


The customer during any stage of the purchase can initiate a call with the seller


The customer will be redirected to the API in the store's custom environment


The customer must wait a few seconds in the queue to be served.


The seller serves the customer through the LigVideo app, on his cell phone

Product suggestion

The seller can offer discount coupons and suggest products to the customer (via QR code/barcode scanning or conventional search)

Ending call

After the call is finished, the customer returns to the e-commerce page to complete the purchase and make the payment

It is worth remembering that the LigVideo app is exclusively for the use of the seller. The client will not need to have any software previously installed, everything will happen directly from the browser.




About LigVideo

The LigVideo system is regulated in accordance with the rules "To guarantee the security of information, users' data and images must travel on the internet with an infrastructure that ensures the safekeeping, handling, integrity, veracity, confidentiality, privacy and guarantee of professional secrecy of the information". We have been operating in the market since 2004, developing solutions for society's demands. LigVideo provides a new experience for e-commerces and customers.



•   Service recorded with protocol number;

•   Video service integrated into your shopping cart;

•   Personalized experience;

•   Real-time product visualization;

•   Ask questions with the seller;

•   Brings digital shopping closer to the physical shopping experience;

•   Possibility of covering competitor's price and discounts;

•   Seller tips and recommendations.


•   Calls recorded for analysis of the sale;

•   General and/or salesperson service statistics and reports;

•   Allows you to know your digital customer;

•   Queue management;

•   Allows you to add advertisements and change the visual identity according to your preference;

•   Intuitive dashboard.


•   Adds value to your e-commerce;

•   Practicality of integration;

•   Practical and versatile tool for video calls;

•   General and/or store service statistics and reports;

•   Innovative features for e-commerce;

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